Connect To EC2 Machine Using PuTTY and PuTTYgen From Windows Machine
This story helps you to connect to EC2 machine, Using PuTTY and PuTTYgen.
Create an EC2 Machine
If you are new to AWS EC2 resource, Please refer the link to know how to create and launch EC2 instance in AWS.
Is a free and open-source terminal emulator, serial console and network file transfer application. It supports several network protocols, including SCP, SSH, Telnet, rlogin, and raw socket connection. It can also connect to a serial port. Download puTTY and install on your machine.
Create Private Key
First thing we need to do before we connect to EC2 machine is to generate a private key for authentication. To do that open puTTYgen app which is available default with puTTY.
Click on the load button and select the key you downloaded during your EC2 Creation. Then Generate and save private key.
Save the private key after generation with some meaningful name.
Establish Connection
Step 1. Open puTTY fill the host name with your EC2’s Public IPv4 DNS. This can be found on the connect section of your EC2.
Fill the session name and save it for future use.
Step 2. Import private key, Open connection->SSH->Auth form the left menu, Browse and loads the private key generated using puTTYgen.
Step 3(optional). Go to connection->data->update the Auto login username as ubuntu(Default username when you create EC2 machine you can update this with your specific username).
Step 4. Go back to the session window and save the session details and press connect.
Now a terminal window will appear with established connection.